Thursday, March 26, 2020

Why washing hand with handmade soap during covid 19

Washing hand with handmade soap is not drying your skin and at same times its give you is one of the most effective ways to get rid of COVID-19.
It dissolves the fatty layer that coats coronaviruses.
But you have to wash your hands properly.
One of the most consistent COVID-19 messages from health officials has been the importance of good personal hygiene.
Washing your hands with soap is one of the simplest and most effective ways of killing off any viruses you may have come into contact with.
Everything you need to know about washing your hands to protect against coronavirus (COVID-19)
Washing your hands can protect you and your loved ones.
Respiratory viruses like coronavirus disease (COVID-19) spread when mucus or droplets containing the virus get into your body through your eyes, nose or throat. Most often, this happens through your hands. Hands are also one of the most common ways that the virus spreads from one person to the next.
During a global pandemic, one of the cheapest, easiest, and most important ways to prevent the spread of a virus is to wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
Here’s everything you need to know about how to wash your hands the right way:
1. How do I wash my hands properly?
To eliminate all traces of the virus on your hands, a quick scrub and a rinse won’t cut it. Below is a step-by-step process for effective handwashing.
Step 1: Wet hands with running water
Step 2: Apply enough soap to cover wet hands
Step 3: Scrub all surfaces of the hands – including back of hands, between fingers and under nails – for at least 20 seconds.
Step 4: Rinse thoroughly with running water
Step 5: Dry hands with a clean cloth or single-use towel
2. How long should I wash my hands for?
You should wash your hands for at least 20-30 seconds. An easy way to time it is by singing the full happy birthday song, twice
Source taken from Google

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