Sunday, September 24, 2017

Finish wrap up breast milk soap finally it's ready thank u all mummy support.  #breastmilksoap #ameryllis

Homemade sugar wax Ameryllis tutorial part 1 face hair removal

demo tutorial use our ameryllis  sugar wax remove upper lips n face hair removal  .no chemical easy. Softer

Homemade sugar wax hair removal tutorial part 2 on hair removal legs Heehe on you tubes support Ameryllis Sugar Wax  😁

Homemade sugar wax Ameryllis hair removal tutorial underarm tutorial  sugar wax Ameryllis  on hair removal  underarm

YAM gathering happy moment

Lovely day finally able to meet all seller n buyers in first gathering  of YAM a memorable day. Thanks to u ladies for organize this lovely gathering 😍😍

liquid breastmilk soap Ameryllis Nature

Amber  castile oil golden drop bm liquid soap finally ready dress up. #breastmilksoap #breastmilkliquidsoap #ameryllis

Beer soap

Kao Tim my guiness stout beer soap who say beer only can drink???hahaha  n unscented bm soap  for customer 😘😘😘😘😘😘GOOD 😊 MORNING!
#breastmilksoap #beersoap #ameryllisbeer soap

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Tqvm support putrajaya customer 😁😁😁😁😁🔛GOOD 😊 MORNING homemade sugar wax #homemadesugarwax #hairremoval #ameryllis

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Tqvm support putrajaya customer 😁😁😁😁😁🔛GOOD 😊 MORNING homemade sugar wax #homemadesugarwax #hairremoval #ameryllis